Every fews years I get to experience a new movie from the oldest movie franchise around so it is always quite an event. James Bond has been entertaining crowds for almost 50 years now with 22 movies and I just about love all of them all. The franchise went through a reboot with the last movie Casino Royale and I was not onboard with this move but was cautiously optimistic though. They started off right by selecting Daniel Craig and this guy nails the role. He is not like any of the past Bonds on screen but is the Bond from the original novels which is quite an improvement for the character. Casino Royale turned out to be fantastic and dare I say one of the best of the series.
Quantum of Solace follows up right where Casino left off and immediately jumps into a car chase already in progress, nice way to start a movie. Things pretty much go downhill from there. The story is average, the editing bad, and the direction is lackluster. Director Marc Forster has a resume of low to mid level budget dramas so I am not sure why he was selected for the movie. He has never done an action movie let alone a $200 million dollar one and it shows. The only thing this movie has going for it is Danel Craig and he is a complete bad ass in the film and his Bond does anything to get the job done. As always I look foward to the next installment though.
The Cowboys have won 2 in a row and are back in the chase, let's see what happens on Thanksgiving where hopefully the main entree will be Seahawk. All is quiet in the Baseball free agency hunt so far but it will heat up soon. Unfortunately the Rangers will stay in the cold.
Movie of the week: I always view some old Bond movies when a new one is out so I am going with From Russia with Love. Connery is greatness.
TV show of the week: Robot Chicken: Star Wars 2. Boba Fett slicing up Ewoks with a lightsaber=priceless.
Happy Thanksgiving!