I have compiled my top movies of last year and put them together for your enjoyment. Remember I am not a critic, I only play one on the Internet. I know I may have missed some good movies in the list but a lot of them have not been released to home video yet, I do not get to the theater much anymore. Enjoy...
1. Zombieland- The funniest movie on the list. Superbly made and it has a fantastic cameo in it. I love Twinkies and Woody in this movie shares the love of them. Best of all it all starts in Garland, TX.
2. Inglorious Bastards- Tarantino did an outstanding job with this throwback to War World II. He made plenty of references to two of my favorite war flicks (Kelley's Heroes and The Dirty Dozen) and I cannot imagine any body else but Brad Pitt playing the lead role.
3. Star Trek- Those Bad Robot guys did a great job of a reboot on a franchise that desperately needed one. The cast was spot on and it was great to see Leonard Nimoy sport the ears one more time. Bring on more! Kahn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. Up- This is the best animated I have ever seen. It is a story that can be enjoyed by all and I wonder when will this talking device for dogs will be available.
5. Avatar- James Cameron took enough time off between projects and he does not disappoint with his latest creation. I saw this in the theater in 3D and it was pretty cool. Alot better than back in the 80s, Jaws 3D anyone? The story here has been rehashed from another movie but when it looks this cool who cares?
6. Public Enemies- I have always liked Gangster movies and it was nice to have a new one out. The first movie of Dillinger awhile back left a lot to be desired so I am certainly glad Michael Mann made this movie. Johnny Depp was spot on while Christian Bale looked like he wanted to be else where.
7. The Hurt Locker- A very intense war drama much like Platoon. This flick keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time. Props to director Kathryn Bigelow, she has come a long way since the classic Near Dark.
8. Trick R Treat- This fantastic horror movie was on the shelve for two years because the studio did not know what to do with it. They finally released it to home video during Halloween and it scored big with critics and audiences. Think Creepshow, this is the best movie you did not see last year.
9. Invictus- A true story made by a great story teller. Come on Clint, more in front of the camera too!
This year I am looking forward to The Expendables, Iron Man 2, and Hereafter.
Ranger pitchers and catchers reported to Spring Training today. All can dream of a championship season right now. Perhaps the playoffs anyway.