Of course after posting my favorite flicks of last year I see the need to add another title after watching Black Dynamite. This spoof of the black exploitation films of the 70s was fantastic. It was made just like one of those films complete with bad production values, bad stock footage, bad plot holes covered with voice overs and hilarious stunt work. The genius of it is that it is all on purpose. The villain at the end is superb; I do not want to give it away. Highly recommended.
RIP Peter Graves. "Billy, have you ever seen a grown man naked ?" is one of my favorite all time lines. Clarence, you have clearance.
Looking forward to FX's Justified tomorrow night. I loved Timothy Olyphant in Deadwood so I will give this one a shot.
LOST, where are you going?
Baseball season is just around the corner. I am as giddy as a school boy!
Next rant: Do all movies have to be 3D now? Really? Stay tuned.