Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have F'ed with? That's these guys.
1. Clint- The toughest tough guy of all time and a legend. Memorable tough guy role: Dirty Harry started it all.
2. John Wayne- Don't mess with the Duke. Is probably still the ultimate good guy of all time. The Searchers.
3. Sylvester Stallone- The ultimate underdog and lost war vet that packed alot of punch with some muscles behind it. Rocky.
4. Arnold- Let everyone know that you can combine muscles and brains in the movies. And Explosions. And more explosions. The Terminator.
5. Charles Bronson- A cool cat that got stereotyped into tough guy roles. He did alot of them and he sure was good in them. Death Wish.
6. Lee Marvin- A straight to the point kind of guy that did not take any B.S. from anybody. Point Blank.
7. Chuck Norris- Literally the baddest guy on this list in real life. Six time time world Karate Champion. Invasion U.S.A.
8. Steve McQueen- The coolest guy in the movies ever. Bullitt.
9. Kurt Russell- Wears an eye patch like no other. Escape from New York.
10. Jason Statham- The newcomer on the list. I am liking his roles so far and he is a good tough guy. Has 4 franchises in the works right now. The Transporter.
Top movies of '10 coming soon, I have not seen them all yet.
Go Packers. Pitchers and catchers are coming soon!!!!
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