Do not take that title the wrong way. I am not talking about Judge Reinhold in Fast Times at Ridgemont High action but great action scenes that happen to take place in the potty. They can be quite humorous.
1. True Lies- Arnold against a buff terrorist with water spewing all over the place and hand dryers rip off the wall with ease. Classic scene when Arnold slides across the wet floor to get his gun.
2. Eastern Promises- Viggo Mortensen has infiltrated the Russian mob and gets into a tussle with a few guys in the sauna, naked. Yes naked. Does the whole scene that way and parlayed that into an Oscar nom.
3. Goldfinger- In the intro Bond blows up his assignment but needs to stop off for one more visit to his lady friend and runs into a henchman. Bond Throws the man into a full bathtub but then he attempts to grab Bond's gun hanging by said bathtub and Bond decides to warm up his bath with a place heater. Bond's reply in that Connery way, "Shocking."
4. Terminator 3- Two Terminators slugging it out in a huge bathroom. Arnold gets roughed up a bit by the Fembot.
5. Firefox- Clint is an American spy/pilot that has made his way into Russia to steal a top secret jet from them. After nervously getting through a checkpoint Clint stops by the restroom to collect himself. A Russian police officer stops in to hassle him and Clint decides to open up a can on him and take him out.
6. Lethal Weapon 2- Ah, the adventures of Mel and Danny. Murtaugh finds out he has a bomb underneath him while on the john. Riggs discovers his predicament and decides they need some help. Murtaugh requests that Riggs keeps this quiet and of course Riggs calls in what seems like the entire force. Any way they share a moment and Riggs pulls Murtaugh into the bathtub for shelter and the potty goes flying into the street. Is Warner Brothers really wanting to reboot this series instead of continuing it? A shame.
7. True Romance- Patricia Arquette is in her hotel room while the mob is looking for her. A pre-Sopranos James Gandolfini locates her and roughs her up in the bathroom. She cleverly uses the top of the toilet tank and a swiss army knife to take care of the bad guy.
8. To Live and Die in LA- A secret service agent chases a counterfeiter through the airport and loses sight of him and decides to check the restrooms. Of course he checks the ladies room first with no luck and proceeds to the men's room. The crook almost get away with it by sitting on a toilet with his feet but he moves just a bit to cast a shadow and is caught.
9. The Big Lebowski- The Dude is chilling out at home with a White Russian and a group of thugs come into his house and pull him into his bathroom and shove his face into the toilet. They continue to ask him "Where is the money?" and the Dude does not know what they are talking about. His reply, "It's uh... uh... it's down there somewhere, let me take another look." Classic line, "Hey, careful man, there is a beverage here!"
10. Fight Club- Brad Pitt and his club take a guy down in the bathroom and show him they mean business by threatening to take his manhood with a knife. Yeah, I would do just about anything for them too.
It is day 2 of ice day and no school for the kids. Cabin Fever is setting in. We are thinking of heading to Best Buy and Target today if we can get out of the driveway. Go Pack!!!