The sitcom seemed to be a dying breed a little while back but is poised for a comeback with a few good shows that are on the air right now. I do not watch most of them since I have about had it with network TV cancelling shows after two episodes, but I hear some are good. Kudos to The Big Bang Theory and The Office. Let's see where Dunder Mifflin goes after Michael Scott exits. Some of the shows below did not start out well ratings wise but the network let the show grow a little bit and let the audience discover it. What a novel concept.
- All in the Family- No show like this existed and sadly never will again because it would not be politically correct to air such a thing. A fantastic cast lead the way with this groundbreaking show and we learned what a meathead was and what the toilet sounded like flushing on TV. RIP Carrol O'Connor, you were a great one.
- Seinfeld- A show about nothing turned out to be a lot and instilled itself into a generation. My family and I are always quoting the show or going remember when Kramer did this? My Church even plays Seinfeld clips during the service. Not bad for a stand-up comedian.
- Cheers- The place where everyone knows your name and made a bar look even more fun. This show seemed destined for failure when Shelly Winters departed in the middle of its run but when Kirsty Alley came onboard some might agree it got better. Great writing for this show. My favorites were the two guys at the end of the bar.
- The Honeymooners- Such a simple, fantastic show. Four actors on one set about 99% of the time. Who knew so much could happen to a bus driver in a little apartment?
- Sanford and Son- The only junk on his show was all the stuff in the house and in the yard. I love the theme song to this show. It's Fred G. Sanford, and the G stands for greatness.
- Frasier- Kelsey Gramer had a heck of a run on Cheers and got to stay in character for many more years after Cheers signed off. The supporting cast made this thing work and the dog was good too. "We call him Eddie Spaghetti. Oh, does he like spaghetti? No, he has worms."
- Three's Company- A very risky show at the time to have a guy livng with two girls. Suzanne Sommers was incredible in the show and got a little to big for her britches for salary demands and the network let her go but the show carried on nicely.
- I Love Lucy- I have not seen this in awhile but this show was hilarious. Lucille Ball carried this thing and had her little cuban help out too.
- Everybody Loves Raymond- I caught onto this show at the end of its run because I always heard it was so good and I was not disappointed. Peter Boyle was outstanding in this, he could just appear on screen without saying a word and it was great. I always remember the Halloween episode where he was Frankenstein, nice homage.
- I am cheating here. Simpsons or Family Guy? One has been on wayyyy longer but the later may be a lot more funnier. We will let this one play out.
No one better mention Friends here. That show ran out of steam after about three seaons. Pretty people on tv, that is all it was.
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