The Fox and the Hound- I have not seen this since it was in the theater. I know Kurt Russell voices one of the characters. Cute and cuddly little critters and I believe someone loses a mom due to a hunting incident.
Dazed and Confused- Another enjoyable teenager flick from the likes of director Richard Linklater. Filmed in Austin and it started quite a few careers

for many involved. Matthew McCounghy's debut and you can see why he went on to bigger things, he owns the screen. "That is why I like high school girls. They older I get, they stay the same age."
The Rangers continue to hang in there with a 1.5 game lead. Hopefully they can pull away from the California LA Anaheim Angels soon.
Finally finished Dexter season 2, fantastic ending.
Sons of Anarchy starts September 6 on FX.
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