Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Thing

I remember my Dad taking me to see John Carpenter's 1982 original The Thing and being eight at the time and not quite knowing what I was watching at the time but I thought it was really cool anyway.  Carpenter's movie at the time was a critical and box office failure at release and looking back many have blamed that on E.T. where everyone expected their aliens to be cute and cuddly things you hide in your closet.  Carpenter's Thing has since gained much praise and is now considered a classic and you will see it in every top ten Halloween list every year.  So you can say I have been waiting for this prequel/remake for almost thirty years.  And that is the issue with this movie.

The first part of this movie is the Norwegian crew discovering the alien and its spaceship and then this movie slaps any fan of Carpenter's original right in the face and then it becomes a remake almost shot for shot in some cases from the Norwegian point of view.  If Carpenter's version was not held in such high regard a remake is okay but audiences have been waiting for a little something more from a Thing prequel or sequel for some time.  The original was also known for it great special effects from Rob Bottin and the effects here are of course bad CGI.  Too bad this movie had a lot to work with and much potential but missed its mark badly.  One thing I loved about this movie was the ending.  It was perfect and just what I was expecting.

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