Friday, August 2, 2013

New Release Tuesday

John Carpenter’s follow-up horror movie to his classic Halloween has always been regarded as a good movie and has gained some appreciation over the years.  Carpenter had some money to work with in this movie and creates a really great atmosphere and has a heck of a cast too. This stars Jamie Lee Curtis, her mom, Janet Leigh, Tom Atkins, Adrienne Barbeau, and Hal Holbrook.  This release is from Scream Factory so it is going to look and sound great plus be stuffed with tons of bonus features.  Highly Recommended.

The first G. I. Joe was kind of lame.  It had a Wayans brother and these super suits that the Joes wore and that really brought the whole movie down.  Paramount wants this to be a franchise and this was a make or break sequel.  So what do they do to save it?  Bring on the Rock and a sprinkle of Bruce Willis.  I am okay with that.  This scored really well at the box office and with fans so I cannot wait to check this out.  Yo Joe!

 These Warner animated movies have been good.  Hopefully their live action movie in the near future will be up to par.  The Flash finally gets the starring role in this feature with a really creepy looking Batman on the cover.

I really like director Guillermo Del Toro’s films.  The guy has not made a bad movie yet.  Pacific Rim is under performing here in the U.S and shame on me for not going to see it.  This is one of his early films and it gets the Criterion make over.  Expect lots of stuff on here.

I really do not recall this horror flick at all.  An astronaut goes to Saturn and returns not in the best of shape.  From Shout Factory so they will make it worthy of a viewing.

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