Monday, November 3, 2014

New Release Tuesday

I have been busy eating all the candy I was supposed to hand out and enjoying pumpkin beer.  Lets catch up on last week.  Hope you had a great Halloween!

I saw this horror flick back in when it came out in theaters and I got to admit, it pretty much sucked. It did have a cool vibe and neat characters but seemed to go nowhere.   Director Clive Barker (Hellraiser) claimed years later the studio took his movie and completely re cut it for the theatrical release and it is not at all what his version is remotely supposed to be like.  The studio did claim they got cold feet on the very dark horror flick.  Barker also had this done to his next movie, Lords of Illusions and he has since pretty much turned his back on Hollywood as far as directing goes and he is writing a new Hellraiser now.
Years later the Cabal Cut was released on a bootleg VHS and it showed a different version but it was not necessarily better.  But now Scream Factory has released a definitive director’s cut and word is this is really good and is worth a watch.  Scream Factory is treating this as special release with two different versions, the regular director’s cut and a limited set with the same director’s cut with more special features and the original theatrical cut, leased special from Warners Archive for this release.  It’s from Scream Factory so it will look and sound great and both come with new artwork.

This is a great TV comedy about the staff of a struggling radio station have a chance at success after the new programming director changes the format to rock music.  This release is a big deal because this series getting released to DVD has been stuck in development hell because of all the music rights associated with it.  

When his daughter is kidnapped, a retired assassin is drawn back into the life he gave up. To rescue her, he must confront his former rival.  Straight to DVD movies makes some bucks because they get on the shelves at the big box store and are at Red Box for rental.  You put some stars on the cover and it automatically generates interest and it will sale.  I think it is really smart for the actors and the production company.  Now the question is how long is Bruce Willis and the great John Cusack really in this?  I know this has been going on for years but it I seem to be seeing a lot more of these on the shelf lately.  And some of them are not bad so do not discount them, keep an open mind.

Because it is two of the best Westerns ever and is required viewing.

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