Friday, June 4, 2021

New Release Tuesday

 It is raining in Texas big time but don't you worry.  The Batcave is staying afloat even though the backyard jungle is out of control.  There have been some solid releases come out the past couple of weeks, some of these the best of the year so far.  I went to Wal Mart the other day and the DVD Blu section was barren.  I wish I would have taken pics.  None of these catalog titles would have been there anyway but it is nice to pick up something at the store every once in awhile.  Let's see what we got:

The Groove Tube- A collection of skits that make fun of 1970s television, featuring early appearances by Chevy Chase and Richard Belzer.  I have heard of this title and it sounds like The Kentucky Fried Movie so nice to see this back in print.

Don’t Look Now- A married couple grieving the recent death of their young daughter are in Venice when they encounter two elderly sisters, one of whom is psychic and brings a warning from beyond.

The Hand- A comic book artist loses his hand, which in turn takes on a murderous life of its own.  One of Oilver Stone’s early movies that I have never seen and this is supposed to be a good horror flick.

The Saint- Simon Templar (The Saint), is a thief for hire, whose latest job to steal the secret process for cold fusion puts him at odds with a traitor bent on toppling the Russian government, as well as the woman who holds its secret.  This was back when Val Kilmer was a star.  This was a descent movie that I might pick up some time.  Did I ever mention the time we went to Comic Con and while in line waiting to meet Chuck Norris, Val Kilmer was next to Chuck’s booth and it had curtains all around so you could not see him.  It was late in the day on Sunday and Val comes out from the curtains, throws on a hoody and is rushed out the back door by security.  I caught a glimpse of him and the dude did not look good at all.  It is gonna be interesting to see how he looks in Top Gun: Maverick.

Eye of the Tiger- Returning home from prison, a Vietnam War veteran sets out to clean up his hometown which has come under the control of a violent motorcycle gang.  This was on cable all the time back in the day.  I remember it was a solid action flick and there has been a lot of people wanting this on blu so I am glad it is here finally.

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