Monday, March 28, 2011

Top 10: Car Chases

A good action flick always has a car chase.  No slow motion or trick camera angles on these.  Here are some of the best ones.

  1. Bullitt- This classic made in the late sixties has movie makers of today are still trying to replicate the  gem of movie car chases.  The late great Steve McQueen did alot of the driving in this flick but had to let a stunt driver take over at times to cool the producers down.  This movie won an Oscar for best editing.
  2. Mad Max- Director George Miller can create some great chases and you might as well throw in the other Mad Max movies in with this one as well.  The V8 Interceptor was one of the coolest cars ever, it was a shame to blow it up.  Miller is working on some Mad Max sequels and the V8 has been spotted in the garage.  Eye balls popping out?  Greatness.
  3. To Live in Die in LA- Secret Service agents steel some money from a bad guy for a buy of their own and things turn ugly.  Drive the wrong way on a LA freeway, no problem.  What happened to director William Freidkin, who did this, The Exorcist and .....
  4. The French Connection- Gene Hackman takes off after the subway in a civilian's car to get the bad guy in a mind blowing chase with strollers flying.  Do they have stunt babies?  The story has always been that they did not even get permits for this chase scene.  This took home the Best Picture Oscar.
  5. Smokey and the Bandit- You know this had to be in there.  The jump of the bridge was a really big deal in this flick but overall just a great chase of a movie.  "Bandit, where the hell are you?"
  6. Vanishing Point- You gotta love the 70s chase scenes.  Open roads with great scenery behind and muscle cars to open them up.  This flick is the epitome of all great chase flicks.  Kowolski meets some interesting people along the way.
  7. The Blues Brothers- There is more than one great chase scene here but I think the mall scene is tops.  "Look out, Muppets!"  The ending chase is classic topped off with the flipping of the Blues Mobile.  RIP John.  When is Neighbors getting released on DVD?
  8. Cobra- Give this one a chance.  Sly put together a great chase scene with his classic muscle car here in this very Dirty Harry like movie.  One of Sly's unappreciated 80s flicks.
  9. Ronin- This is the best chase scene of the 90s.  Driving around Europe thru tunnels and shooting rockets.  Great stuff.  Why don't more directors just mount a camera to the hood to see the pavement going 100 mph?
  10. Magnum Force- Come on, you know Clint was in here somewhere.  At the end of the flick Harry has motorcycle rogue cops after him and he takes it to them.  A motorcycle against a car in a chicken match seems to always be in favor of the car.  The making of this is great, they took off the trunk lid and strapped in a camera guy, threw in some padding and yelled ACTION, and off went Clint. 
Honorable Mentions: Cannonball Run, The Expendables, and just about any Bond flick.  But that is for another time.

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