I have finally gotten around to see most of last years top movies and I will now play Internet critic and make my selections. Here are some of my faves.
True Grit- The Coen Brothers just get better with age. I was very excited when I learned they were scouting around Austin a year ago for this remake. The Coens have never made a western and man did they nail it. I hope they have some more Westerns in them in the future. Jeff Bridges is great in anything he is associated with but the standout out here is Hailee Steinfeld playing Mattie Ross, she is incredible and should be around for a long time. I grew up on John Wayne movies because of my grandfather so the original will always be special to me but this one exceeded it in all aspects. I wonder if the Coens and Bridges ever talked about bringing the Dude back?
The Town- Ben Affleck just about threw his career away a few years ago but getting into directing has saved and turned his career around. This is a great bank robber flick and it even plays tribute to Michael Mann's Heat, probably the last great heist flick. Affleck sure knows his way around Boston and taking this thing to Fenway is awesome. Jeremy Renner is a great psycho and was deserving of his Oscar nomination.
Inception- This is one mind F of a movie. I think what I saw was great but it does require a second viewing. I know that is when I really like a movie is when during the end credits I think I need to watch that again and soon. Christopher Nolan is about as good as they get for current directors right now. Bring on Dark Knight Rising.
Toy Story 3- I saw the original with my best friend sitting by a bunch of kids and enjoyed it. Flash forward 15 years and I get to go see this one with my kids and absolutely loved it. It was nice to see this bunch together again and I hear they will be on a short with Cars 2 this summer. The opening scene was great, we are always talking about Doctor Porkchop around here.
The Expendables- Best action flick since Rambo. Sly pulled together an all star cast to create this testosterone filled flick. I love it that Sly is directing all of his own stuff again and word is a sequel is on the way. Mickey Rourke and Dolph Lundgren are excellent in this.
The Fighter- A true story about a boxer that makes a comeback after an injury and his brother/trainer that makes his own comeback from a crack addiction. A very inspiring story that ranks up there with Rocky.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World- Director Edgar Wright is off to a fast start with some great flicks to his resume already. Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz were fantastic comedies and now with this venture he has made something truly original which is what we all scream for but unfortunately this had a hard time finding an audience and is now scoring with the home crowd atleast. That is what happens when you go against Sly and The Expendables.
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