Tuesday, June 10, 2014

New Release Tuesday

The Jack Ryan series is made up of some good movies but for some reason Paramount has screwed themselves with this franchise a couple of times so now we have another reboot.  Chris Pine will be a fine Jack Ryan but I am most looking forward to Kevin Costner’s mentor character, Thomas Harper.  Ryan uncovers a Russian plot to crash the U.S. economy with a terrorist attack.  Directed by Kenneth Branagh. (THOR)

I don’t have HBO but last month my cable company sent me a notice stating that I have HBO free for a month or so, the channel was already activated and OnDemand was also part of the deal.  I checked their schedule and learned I already have all those movies but I noticed all the episodes to True Detective were available.  Score!  I heard fantastic things about the show so Mrs. Gauntlet and I watched this and it was awesome!  And like all great shows it leaves you wanting more.  Matthew and Woody are at the top of their acting game in this as this show should clean up during the TV awards season next year.  Louisiana is marvelous backdrop for this eerie story.

This is a wild and fun ride as action man Liam Neeson stars as an air marshal who must spring into action during a transatlantic flight after receiving a series of text messages that put his fellow passengers at risk unless the airline transfers $150 million into an off-shore account.  This is a lot of fun and a nice who done it action flick.

This is another under-appreciated Eastwood flick from 1984.  Clint plays detective Wes Block who is tracking a serial killer that chooses victims who know or have had relations with Block.  Things get even more bizarre when Block’s daughters become involved and then it becomes a personal vendetta.  A great action crime drama that was directed by writer Richard Tuggle but indications are Clint was the man running this production.  Highly recommended.   Come on Warner Brothers, give us Bronco Billy on blu now!

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