Wednesday, February 24, 2016

New Release Tuesday

In a world where dinosaurs and humans live side-by-side, an Apatosaurus named Arlo makes an unlikely human friend.  I have read this is considered Pixar's first miss at the box office.  Seems like a lot of this last year's November and December releases got pushed to the back burner because of the return of Star Wars.

The true story of how the Boston Globe uncovered the massive scandal of child molestation and cover-up within the local Catholic Archdiocese, shaking the entire Catholic Church to its core.  This is a good looking drama that I still need to watch to see if can be considered for my tops of 2015.

I still need to watch season one of this show that I hear is really great and I am on board with just about anything FX puts out, you know.

A disillusioned college graduate finds himself torn between his older lover and her daughter.  I might have to upgrade to this Criterion upgrade for this classic.

Six friends dig up a corpse to use in a satanic ritual to make the dead rise from their graves.  Now this only caught my attention because of the director of this the late, great Bob Clark.  He was one one of the few directors that worked successfully in two different genres, horror and comedy.

Eastwood is back in this Western about a young civil war veteran that is forced on a desperate journey to save his kidnapped wife.  Dammit!!! Fooled again, that's the wrong Eastwood!  Anyway I will check out Scott's first Western and its got the great Walter Goggins form Justified and The Hateful Eight so it should be pretty good.

In their club days, Twisted Sister were the Grand Funk of Glam and the NY Dolls of Metal, channeling savage energy and wild humor into a sort of blue collar performance art, as they fought to escape the velvet noose of suburban bar-band super stardom.  Dee and the boys are on a final world wide tour to close up shop so this should be cool to check out.

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