Thursday, October 13, 2016

Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders

Batman ’66 finally made its way to a DVD and Blu Ray two years ago and the show continues be very popular today.  Warner DC animation has been turning out quality work and some might even say better than the live action DC movies.  DC Animated came up with the great idea to bring back Batman ’66 with original actors (and the only ones still alive) Adam West, Burt Ward, and Julie Newmar as they return to their roles as the Caped Crusaders and Catwoman. 

 Fandango had a special screening of this on Monday night so my young ward and I ventured out to the theater to check this out and we were not disappointed.  Everything is almost the same here as in the show, the time period, the characters, and especially the same campy humor.  I did notice the Police headquarters building was a bit different and the Bat Cave featured the dinosaur we have all have become accustomed to from the comics and the Batmobile had a different sound to it as it was missing the nuclear start whenever it took off.  They also did not do the Batmobile pre-starting sequence check Batman and Robin would do before tearing out of the Bat Cave.

The movie made fun of itself a few times and even had quite a hilarious reference to The Dark Knight Rises capped off with a Robin “Holy…” zinger.  Adam West and Julie Newmar sound great for being in their 80s and Burt Ward still sounds like a teenager.  I will say the stand out of the voice work for the villains was Wally Wingert.  The guy was great as the Riddler as he really sounded like Frank Gorshin and had the laugh down perfect.  If you like the show then you definitely need to check this out old chum.  It comes out on DVD and Blu Ray on November 1 and it has already been announced the Caped Crusaders will return and William Shatner will voice Two-Face in the next movie. 

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