Friday, October 6, 2017

Netflix Raises Prices! The Sky is Falling.

Netflix informed the world yesterday that they are raising prices a whopping 10%!  I never was much for math but on the current plan I have that calculates to a little over a dollar a month.  This has created mass hysteria and apparently a lot of people are going to leave Netflix and they are posting comments all over the place on social media to let Netflix know it.  I bet most of these people do not even have an account and are using someone else’s.  I do not know why people feel they are entitled to free or almost free art these days.  Do you go into a store and take something off the shelf and walk out without paying for it?  Netflix and other streaming services provide a very good product for peanuts compared to when you had to buy or rent DVDs.  So calm down, pay your $11 bucks, enjoy the new season of Stranger Things, and chill.   

1 comment:

quatermass said...

I agree. People think they are entitled to everything for free!!!