Tuesday, October 30, 2012

New Release Tuesday

This set has 15 of Hitchcock's classics including Psycho, The Birds, Rear Window, Vertigo, and one I am looking forward to Marnie.  This is film school in a box right here.  Trying to decide between this and the UK set, there is quite a price difference.

I like Will Farrell alot but I am not so big on Zach whatever his name is.  That scene of the baby getting punched sold me on this.

This horror classic gets the Criterion treatment so this should look great and have tons of extra stuff.  Mia Farrow and her husband move into a new apartment and it just happens to be next door to the devil and his wife the late, great Ruth Gordon.  Creepy movie and features a fantastic hair do by Mia.  "It's Vidal Sassoon." 

The best sitcom ever comes out in one box now.  Too bad I already have all the seasons that I want, the show was not near as good after Mike and Gloria moved.  "Stifle yourself!"

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