Thursday, May 30, 2013

Roles Eastwood Turned Down

Clint turned down the Martin Sheen role for Apocalypse Now.  It was too dark for him and that was a nice move by Clint since thing went way over its budgeted time schedule.  Of this whole list this is the movie I wish Clint would have done.  He would have been so bad ass in the end.

Clint was approached by producers about being James Bond after Sean Connery was wrapping up his second run after Diamonds are Forever.

Clint was contacted by the head of Warner Brothers about being Superman in the 70s but Clint felt it was not right and he was too old.

Clint and many other actors were attached to First Blood in the late 70s before Sly took the part.

Clint owned the rights to Die Hard or “Nothing Lasts Forever” as it was called in the early 80s but let the rights expire.

Clint was wanted for the Tommy Lee Jones part of Men In Black.

And Clint was wanted for Signs but let the part go to Mel Gibson.