Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Sly Retires Rambo

Per Variety magazine:

 Despite planning over several years to do a fifth one, Stallone has retired his iconic military war hero John Rambo with the actor revealing he has no intention of reprising his role: "The heart's willing, but the body says 'Stay home!'. It's like fighters that go back for one last round and get clobbered. Leave it to someone else... There's nothing left. When they asked me to do another 'Rambo,' I said, 'If I can't do better than I did last time, and I can't, then why'?"

I have mixed feelings about this because Sly has teased us for a few years now that Rambo would be back and I loved the Mexico hostage story line.  But Rambo (aka John Rambo) had such a great ending that there is no need to have Rambo carry on, he is home.  With the success of Creed it seems Sly maybe steering away from action to more dramatic roles which I feel is a great move for this stage of his career.  So long John J!

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