Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Release Tuesday

I hope everyone had a Happy New Year.  I sure did as I got to stay home, chill, bundle up, and spin some movies as we finally have a winter down here in Texas.  Let's see what is out this week.

American Made- The story of Barry Seal, an American pilot who became a drug-runner for the CIA in the 1980s in a clandestine operation that would be exposed as the Iran-Contra Affair.  This is a good-looking movie based on a true story and it has a history lesson behind it as well.  Yeah, it’s got weirdo Tom in it, but it looks pretty good still. 

Breakfast Club- Five high school students meet in Saturday detention and discover how they have a lot more in common than they thought.  I never would have guessed this for a Criterion pick but they will select a popular movie every once in a while just for the notoriety.  There has always been rumors of an extended cut of this movie that has never come to fruition and probably never will since Mr. Hughes is no longer with us but the special features on this have quite a few deleted scenes on it so this may be as close as we get to viewing a longer cut.  That makes this title worth the upgrade alone.

Hell Night- Four college pledges are forced to spend the night in a deserted old mansion, where they are stalked by the monstrous survivor of a family massacre years earlier. I do not think I have seen this and I remember the original poster artwork but I am drawing a blank on this title.  Apparently this cult flick is in demand so Scream Factory is starting the year off right with this horror title.

The Houses October Built 2- Recovering from the trauma of being kidnapped last Halloween by the Blue Skeleton - a group who take "extreme haunt" to another level - five friends decide they must face their fears in order to move on. Heading back out on the road to visit more haunted house attractions, signs of the Blue Skeleton start appearing again and a new terror begins.  I have been meaning to watch the original but never got around to it in October as Christmas movies derailed my horror movie viewing.  Will have to spin this as a double feature soon.

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