Tuesday, August 9, 2011

New Release Tuesday

 Fast Times at Ridgemont High- Let's go to the mall, how fun!  This flick goes thru all the things that can happen in high school, good and bad.  This was Cameron Crowe's (Say Anything, Almost Famous) first screen play and it has his stamp all over it.  It even comes complete with Led Zepplin music and they do not let their music out that much; great soundtrack to go with the rest of movie.  Did you ever dream Spicolli would win two Oscar's?  Want to party?

The Fox and the Hound- I have not seen this since it was in the theater.  I know Kurt Russell voices one of the characters.  Cute and cuddly little critters and I believe someone loses a mom due to a hunting incident.

Dazed and Confused- Another enjoyable teenager flick from the likes of director Richard Linklater. Filmed in Austin and it started quite a few careers
for many involved.  Matthew McCounghy's  debut and you can see why he went on to bigger things, he owns the screen.  "That is why I like high school girls.  They older I get, they stay the same age."

The Rangers continue to hang in there with a 1.5 game lead.  Hopefully they can pull away from the California LA Anaheim Angels soon.

Finally finished Dexter season 2, fantastic ending.

Sons of Anarchy starts September 6 on FX.

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