Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Town that Dreaded Sundown - On TCM tomorrow!

The Town that Dreaded Sundown (1976) is a movie I remember seeing when I was young on TV because it was based on a true story and the events occurred in Texarkana AR or TX. I grew up in Arkansas so that was close to home.  By the way, I got to Texas as fast as I could.  I have not seen it since and it has not been released on DVD.  I came close to ordering a bootleg copy last year but that web site was shut down so no dice.  I just happened to check the Turner Classic Movie website today and low and behold there's an article about this movie on the front page advertising its showing tomorrow night, 1/20 at 1 am cst.

This movie is also regarded as the first batch of slasher movies to get going in the mid to late 70s before John Carpenter's Halloween and Friday the 13th.  The guy wearing the flour sack in the poster sure looks very similar to someone we know in Friday the 13th part 2.  So honey, do not wait up for me tomorrow!

Visit TCM's web site about this cult classic!|0/The-Town-That-Dreaded-Sundown-on-1-20-.html


Pete said...

And my DVR is set! Cool!

Harry44 said...

Great. Let's watch and compare notes soon.