Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Release Tuesday

I have got 3 weeks of catching up to do here.  I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a beginning of a Happy New Year!  Here we go with the newest to oldest:

I have read nothing but love for this movie and too bad it bombed at the box office.  This is a much more true rendition of Dredd compared to the Stallone version.  This Dredd keeps his helmet on and it comes with a bunch of action and violence!

Tim Burton re-imagines his original Frankenweenie and brings it to animated goodness!

TV's funniest animated show and maybe just TV's funniest show over all.  Think James Bond meets the office and it makes for a great sitcom.  Look forward to checking out the episode where Archer meets his hero, Burt Reynolds.

There is a lot of love going around for this movie so a blind buy seemed appropriate here.  Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a hot commodity right now and better yet Bruce Willis has been brought back to some relevance here.  I love a good time travel movie and Bruno has already made a good one with 12 Monkeys.

FX's Justified had a tremendous second season with a great bad guy so season three of the show went with many bad guys to take on United States Marshal Raylan Givens.  Timothy Olyphant plays one cool cat in this modern day Western and always manages to stay one step ahead of the bad guys.  I also have to mention the fantastic work of Walter Groggins here as Boyd Crowder, Raylan's old friend and closest enemy.  Highly recommended.

Totally unnecessary!  So bad they even had to bring back the three boobed girl to try to save this thing.

Always nice to see Clint back in front of the camera.  Clint plays an aging baseball scout that is losing his eye sight and needs the help of his daughter, the always cute Amy Adams.  This is a good flick and think of it as the anti-Moneyball movie.  This even has some nice work from Boyband Timberlake in it.

Director William Friedkin (The Exorcist, The French Connection) has crafted one heck of a movie here.  This is a real seedy black comedy that takes place in Austin as a family hires a hitman to kill their Mom/ex-wife for the insurance money.  Great cast here too with McConaughey, Gina Gerson, and Thomas Haden Church!  A real nice surprise here.

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