Thursday, February 14, 2013

New Release Tuesday

Casino Royale was a blast but Quantum of Solace was a dud and MGM going bankrupt did not paint a very good picture for the Bond 23.  As soon it was announced that director Sam Mendes (American Beauty, Road to Perdition) was on board I knew we were all in for quite a treat.  Bond was broken down in this film and had to rediscover the badass in himself and this lead to quite an epic film.  Sean Connery will always be Bond to me but Daniel Craig is doing his best to wrestle that trophy away from him because of his physicality and coldness.  A great story, a magnificent bad guy, some back to the basics, and huge action sets lead this to being one of the best Bond films of all time.  The highest of recommendations my good chaps.

The great John Hawks (Deadwood, Winter’s Bone) stars as a man that has had Polio most of his life and is required to live in an iron lung most hours of the day.  He wishes to lose his virginity so he clears it with his priest first and then gets help from a professional sex surrogate, Helen Hunt.  I read this has comedy, romance, drama, and you should be crying by the end.  This is based on a true story.

This looks to be a fun, silly looking action movie that at least deserves a rental.

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