Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Rewind This!

Ah, the VCR.  This has to be one of the greatest inventions of all time.  For the first time ever you could watch anything (you had on tape) at any time and at home.    You could rent movies at a movie rental store, record them off TV, and could borrow a movie from the neighbors.  That was a lot sexier than going to a box at Walgreen’s or scrolling thru a menu on your TV.  

VHS has been on the comeback as guys (or movie snobs as we prefer) are hording any VCR they come across and are stock piling them in their attic.  They also shop at Thrift stores, used book stores, and flea markets to score as many VHS movies as possible.  Why, you ask?  Because even though DVD has thousands of titles available it is only about 2/3 of the titles that VHS produced over its life span, in the ballpark of DVD it has approximately 14,000 to VHS’s 25,000.   There is a ton of horror movies that have not been pressed on DVD yet and do not forget about Disney’s Song of the South. 

This is a great looking documentary that made the film circuit last year and got much positive praise behind it.  It starts with the history of VHS, the innovation it was, and how or why it is still hanging around today even though the format died years ago. Looks like a good watch.

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