Sunday, March 16, 2014

Discovery Movies of 2013

I see plenty of new movies over the year but I also make a point to go back and see some older movies that I missed for one reason or another.  Here are some of my favorites of last year:

A creepy movie where the late, great Vincent Prince gets revenge on doctors he believed were responsible for his wife’s death.  Now the cool thing here is Price does not say an entire word during the movie and is one mean organ player.

I have seen the original a few times before and got the box set for a good deal last year so I finally watched all the sequels of the classic franchise.  I really liked this one as the apes’ rebel against their human owners.  Roddy McDowall really was great in all of these and he really shined thru the makeup and masks.

I have always ranked Psycho II as the best horror sequel but this may take that place now.  It turns out that Dr. Frankenstein and the monster both survived as the good doctor makes a mate for the big dude.

This was a great movie as a couple adopt a young girl and she turns out not to be such a sweet little girl.

A very nice early 70s sci-fi flick about a space hippy who has Earth’s last plants on board and is ordered to destroy them but he is not on par with that idea.  This stars the great Bruce Dern and he has some interesting droids on board to keep him company.

I have always heard of Rob “Meathead” Reiner’s mockumentary but have never taken the time to give it the proper respect it deserves.  This is a comedy masterpiece as all involved went on to great careers in the business.  Even more impressive about this is that the stars are really good musicians as well and have made appearances as Spinal Tap through the years even as most recent as 2009 on various shows and shorts.

A Vietnam War hero returns home and is bestowed many honors and gifts by his home town then some thugs decide they want some of it.  This is a great revenge flick that showed vets could be a real bad ass before Rambo came around.

This movie is a trip as a young Emilio Estevez becomes a Repo Man and is introduced to some crazy and out of world stuff.  Also stars the great Harry Dean Stanton and he makes everything good.

 A Nazi doctor has cloned many copies of Hitler in the hopes bringing the Third Reich around for a second time.   This has an all star cast with Gregory Peck, James Mason, and Laurence Olivier.  If you watch FX's Archer you need to see this.

I probably saw this as a kid as my grandfather had the Duke on TV when he could but I do not recall this classic.   Wayne is a cavalry rider that becomes protector of a women and her son living in hostile Apache territory.  This was from Wayne's Batjac production company and also starred Gunsmoke's James Arness.

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