Friday, July 11, 2014

Drive-In Massacre

I love checking out old low budget horror movies and that has been made really easy over the years with these multi DVD packs you can find at the box store for $5 or even cheaper sometimes.  You can score some really good titles like Night of the Living Dead, White Zombie, The Last Man on Earth, Horror Express, Invasion of the Bee Girls, Driller Killer, and many others.  Now beware, the video and audio qualities are not the best on these sets but the movie is watchable and actually the low quality adds a little nostalgia to the viewing for me.  If these titles were not seen on the big screen back in the day then they were probably viewed on a twenty inch Zenith and possible in black and white too.  Ah, the good old days.
Drive-In Massacre is in one my latest sets.  I love watching these late at night and the 74 minute viewing time works great for my schedule.  This horror flick notifies you it is at a California drive-in and it is dusk so the cars are starting to line-up.  A couple are doing some smooching in their car and then the man decides they need some sound for the movie.  He has to stretch out really far to grab the speaker then all of the sudden we see a sword and off goes his head.  Then the lady in the care has a run in with the sword too as the movie continues as no one notices the murder until after the movie is over.
The cops arrive and interview the drive-in manager (Bald guy, with a beard.  Never trust a guy like this) and his goofy worker that cleans up and looks after the place.   Of course they don’t know anything but the worker is suspicious of a peeking Tom guy always moving his car around the drive-inn.  During the cop’s investigation more couples die at the drive-in and so does the peeping Tom so they start their case back at square one.  Then John Carpenter alum Buck Flower shows up threatening to kill a girl but the cops shoot and kill him and then the girl turns out to be his daughter.   She is pissed at the cops for killing her Dad who just escaped from the hospital that very morning.  Back to square one again for the cops.
Any way the police zero in on their killer who is at the drive-in at it once again and they come across a grisly scene.  As the movie is ending we hear an announcement that there is a killer loose in the theater and that the police have been called, please stay in your seats!  A great ending for a nice, cheap, fun little horror movie and I was entertained for the short run time.  Go to the drive-in and check it out sometime or pick it up in the bargain bin.

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