Wednesday, March 14, 2012

New Release Tuesday

Ms. Gauntlet would love to be Ms. Clooney so this is on her required watching list.  I get it, she's got George and I've got Clint.  Anyway, this is about a man connecting back to his family after his wife is injured in a boating accident and he learns some other things along the way.

Reporter Tintin and Captain Haddock set off on a treasure hunt for a sunken ship commanded by Haddock's ancestor.  Nice looking flick for the whole family.

 About the legendary Marilyn Monroe who goes to London to film a movie as a worker on the film gets to know the real Marilyn, not the bubble headed bleach blonde on the big screen.

Two sisters find their already strained relationship challenged as a mysterious new planet threatens to collide with the Earth.   Arty looking film but the end of the world thing has me intrigued.

Rangers spring training keeps on keeping on and so far it is a quiet camp and that is a good thing.  Has any Ranger team ever had this much pitching depth?

The Walking Dead is down to the season finale for next week as the show took another big hit this week and we are also learning you do not have to be bit by a zombie to change after you die.

On Justified Raylan is giving the bad guys a taste of their own medicine by playing them against each other to root them all out.  I am starting to think Limehouse is the main baddie to watch out for.

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