Thursday, March 14, 2013

New Release Tuesday

I love Psycho and anything Hitchcock.  This is loosely based on the making of Psycho with what seems a bit of a comedic twist to it.  Anthony Hopkins looks to have a good time with the role and it has a great supporting cast.  This release does not seem quite right in color, it may have been better off in black and white.

The late, great Steve McQueen got his first starring role in this classic horror movie.  It has been a long time since I have seen this on TV and I really do not remember much of it besides what looks like jars of jelly being squeezed into a miniature movie theater.  It is Criterion so it should be great video, audio, and loaded with special features.

I did not catch this at the theater and I know zilch about this besides it has a boy and a tiger wanting to eat him in a boat at sea.  It does deserve a view to see if Ang Lee deserved his Oscar over Mr. Spielberg.

Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, and some other mythical heroes team up to take down something evil.  Will give it a spin sometime.

I never saw his movie but I remember the animation was way ahead of its time and this flick made a ton of money.

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