Monday, September 23, 2013

New Release Tuesday

This flick had many problems and had been sitting on the shelf for over a year.  They did some re-writes and re-shoots and actually were able to salvage this thing. I hear Brad Pitt's hair is awesome in this and that is reason enough for any bald guy to want to check this out. 

This is not my favorite zombie movie nor is it my least favorite but this was a fitting third film for what we all thought was Romero' trilogy at the time.  This was made in 1985 and this still features the best zombie make-up and practical effects, no CGI here.  This is from Scream Factory so it will look and sound great plus be loaded with plenty of extras.  The cover art Scream did for this release is the best of the year.

When this show was announced I was thrilled that Norman Bates was being brought back.  The character has been away far too long and I think TV is the perfect way to bring him back to horror audiences.  When I found out the show is set in the present day I was cautiously optimistic bit after episode one I was hooked.  Mother Bates played by Vera Farmiga steals the show and is fantastic as a nurturing mother and then can become totally psycho in seconds.  Great show and look froward to season 2 next spring.

 Mrs. Gauntlet watched this and really loved it and I enjoyed the parts I saw too.  Connie Britton is great in anything so I may have to get caught up on this soon.

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