Monday, November 4, 2013


Gravity won the box office 3 weeks in a row which is a rarity these days and it has also scored much critical praise to go with all the receipts.  I had the opportunity to get out and go to the movies with my awesome bride so we decided to check this out and we even ponied up for the 3D IMAX tickets.  $14.50 each?  Yeah we're sneaking in candy!

Sandra Bullock and George Clooney play a medical engineer and an astronaut who are working in space when an accident destroys their space shuttle (I thought NASA was broke? Wait, that's the whole government) and they are sent adrift in space.  That is all I am saying about the plot.  This movie is 91 minutes long as it wastes no time and takes about 4 minutes to setup and then the turds start hitting the fan.

The movie tells you in writing in the beginning that there is no sound in space (an old trick borrowed from Alien, but that's OK) as that really adds to the intensiveness of this movie.  If it was not intense enough then the point of view switches to Bullock's point of view from her space suit as she is spinning out of control, is out of breath, and really puts you in the middle of the action.  Director Alfonso Cuaron has crafted a great sci-fi opera here as he really puts you in the movie and makes you cringe in your seat and constitutes you to figure a way out of this space mission gone awry.

Sandra Bullock and George Clooney are good as usual and play off each other really well.  Be sure to listen in on their Houston contact as he is a guy that has been in this position before.  Highly recommended.

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