Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Command 5

I had a blast with this made for TV movie (ABC I believe) as this appeared to be a pilot for a wanna be A-Team series.  I recorded this when it aired and had the tape available for awhile but time has made me forgot the plot besides the point that these guys and one girl had a plane, a cool truck, and uzi's. 

From IMDB: Captain Blair Morgan is a military intelligence man, who wants to see some action, and if the military can't provide with some, he is recruited by a group that wants to form a crime fighting unit that they want to send into areas that are ill equipped or manned to handle certain criminals. He selects Jack Coburn, Nick Kowalski, J.D. Smith, and Chris Winslow, cops who are deemed loose cannons by their respective departments. But whose unorthodox behavior and methods, Morgan feels is necessary to combat the types of criminals that they are going to go up against.

John Matuszak played Nick who was the big tough guy ala Mr. T but also had an artistic side as I remember him sketching the town from a plane above so the team had a layout of the place before going on their mission.  

Research on this title on IMDB, YouTube, and Amazon does not yield any results as far as availability of this forgotten little TV movie so I guess what's in my noggin is what will live on.

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