Wednesday, March 30, 2016

New Release Tuesday

In the dead of a Wyoming winter, a bounty hunter and his prisoner find shelter in a cabin currently inhabited by a collection of nefarious characters.  This was definitely one of my favs from last year as I caught the Roadshow Version of this the last day it was available.  I love Westerns and the visuals in this are spectacular and as usual Tarantino has crafted some great characters with snappy dialogue.  Ennio Morricone finally won a well-deserved Oscar for his music in this film.  If you love John Carpenter’s The Thing and own that soundtrack you will notice some of the unreleased material from that has finally made its way to this movie and then you start to notice that this movie is a lot like The Thing.  When all of our characters finally come together you are not sure who is who or whom you can trust.  Highly recommended.

In Pittsburgh, accomplished pathologist Dr. Bennet Omalu uncovers the truth about brain damage in football players who suffer repeated concussions in the course of normal play.  Will Smith just seems to try too hard to find that Oscar winning role and when he came up short again he had his wife come out and do his talking for him.   This movie got lost in the Star Wars hoopla as I bet Sony wishes they should have put this out sooner in the year.  I am interested in this movie and its subject so I will check it out sometime but the apparent winner of this movie is the NFL as it came and went quietly and only brought the concussion issue to the forefront for a small time frame during this theatrical release.

Kiefer and Donald Sutherland share the screen in this brooding western about an embittered gunslinger who attempts to make amends with his estranged father whilst their community is besieged by ruthless land-grabbers.  This movie has had lot of production problems but looks like the producers finally paid their bills so they could get this released.

A young FBI agent infiltrates an extraordinary team of extreme sports athletes he suspects of masterminding a string of unprecedented, sophisticated corporate heists.  I saw this back in 1991 and it was great then so why does it need a remake now?  Apparently it was remade to show guys with tats and add more extreme sport scenes.  No thanks, I will stick with my Johnny Utah.

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