Sunday, September 18, 2011

New Release Friday

The ultimate blu ray set finally comes out and it is not without controversy.  George Lucas has once again tinkered with his films and this has upset quite a few fans.  I  really don't care if there are new changes or not, some are kind of cool but what  I don't care for is that Lucas does not make the original cuts available.  He has even went as far as saying the original prints do not exist anymore but I find that hard to believe.  I am sure there are plenty of private collectors that would lend or sale their film prints for a proper high def remaster.  Any way the jewel of this set is the deleted scenes from the original trilogy and they look pretty cool.  So Lucas has squeezed more money out of me.  From my calculations I have bought 2 VHS sets, a laser disc set, the DVD set, and now this set.  And when the original trilogy unaltered comes out, and it will one of these days, I will but that too.  Give it a spin and may the force be with you.


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