Wednesday, September 12, 2012

New Release Tuesday

It is getting close to Halloween so time for the horror to begin.  In the 80s horror comedy was the rage after John Landis' An American Werewolf in London and the market became quite saturated late in the decade.  But every once in a while one would come out and defy the rest, Killer Klowns from Outer Space is one of those.  Just read that title again and that explains it all.  Any way a group of Clowns from space come down to terrorize a small town but it is hard for anybody to take them serious because of the way they look.  Good stuff.

It was 12 twelve years later but it was inevitable that a sequel to one of the best horror movies ever was gonna get made.  Original TCM director Tobe Hooper returned to direct and brought the same characters back but with a whole new cast except for the Cook.  Oh yeah and instead of making a hard core horror movie like the first one they switch gears and add a little comedy to the continuing adventures of the Sawyer family.  Dennis Hopper stars as a Texas Ranger in pursuit of the cannibal clan as we learn he has a personal interest in the case too.  This also has fine work by the great Bill Moseley as Chop Top.  Highly Recommended.

I love Charlize Theron and have a huge mancrush on THOR's Chris Hemsworth but I cannot get past strung out looking, cheating ho bag Kristen Stewart as Snow White.  I mean if she was playing a strung out looking, cheating ho bag in some sort of drama I might watch but she makes this unappealing.  Will RedBox it.

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