Wednesday, March 1, 2017

I Just Could Not Watch the 2017 Oscars

I used to enjoy watching the Oscars but I put the kibosh on this year’s show. I use to prep for the show by putting the main categories on a grease board at home and getting the household to make their picks.  I would have some great food for the show but last year after a couple of hours I quit watching and got off the couch and went upstairs.  The show become a gut punch.  Sure, the timing was when Sly Stallone lost out for Best Supporting Actor for Creed.  I really thought he was going to be rewarded for creating one of the best characters to ever grace a movie screen for over forty years but no, the powers of the political academy flexed their muscle and gunned down Sly again.  

So, I have boycotted this year’s show and maybe future broadcasts because of I am tired of politics playing a part in entertainment.  Plus, bringing in Jimmy Kimmel as the host does not help the show either as he is unwatchable now because he has become a one trick pony of just bagging on the president.   I like how his pay for the show has been made public because he is a cheap alternative for ABC because they know the Oscars is a sinking ship.  Judging by the news and social media most people are fed up with the Oscars too.  Most of us don’t care about the winner’s political agenda; just get your trophy and thank your family, friends, co-workers, and oh my gosh God if you want.  

So now the 2017 Oscars has proven to be quite a stinker.  The ratings are the lowest they have been in nine years and the acclaimed accounting firm Price Waterhouse got their envelopes mixed up and the wrong Best Picture was announced at the end of the show.  Wow.  I went and watched the end of the show just to see zoo that commenced.  I feel sorry for Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway, they were just there to celebrate the greatness of Bonnie and Clyde and hand out a trophy.  I am thinking about applying to Price Waterhouse because they are probably going to have an opening, hell even I can read an envelope.  Anyway, the show apparently stunk, the movie that won Best Picture is one that nobody saw, and the show had a fitting end.  Rant over.

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